- I moved to
Kyushu Institute of Technology, started a new laboratory for
programming languages and applied semantics. (2024.4.1)
Our new paper on Term Evaluation and Refinements Systems (with Koko Muroya) will be presented at FLOPS'24 Kumamoto.
Second-order computation analyser
SOL (web interface)
based on the WebCUI framework.
日本ソフトウェア科学会第40回大会 優秀発表賞 を受賞しました。(2023.11)
I gave a talk "Verifying Haskell's Rewrite Rules
based on
Polymorphic Rewriting Theory" at Haskell Symposium 2023, Seatell, USA.
- I gave a talk on
the complete algebraic semantics of second-order rewriting
at SYCO10 at Edinburgh University, Slides.
- I serve as a PC member of
The ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2022
- I serve as a PC member of
11th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC'22)
- PPL 2021で研究室の4年生の藤岡 亮君が
実装 at GitHub.
Theory and Practice of Second-Order Rewriting: Foundation, Evolution, and SOL.
Extended abstract,
An invited talk
at 15th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS'20), presented on 8, September, 2020.
- Postdoc/internship positions available. If you are interested
in working on SOL or related matter with us, please contact me.
- I serve as a PC member of
the 25th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'20)
- I serve as a PC member of
11th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs (TERMGRAPH'20)
- I serve as a PC member of
9th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC'20)
- Our tool SOL
Confluence Competition
Termination Competition 2018,
which is developed by SOL Team 2018: Makoto Hamana, and
Kentaro Kikuchi.
SOL's results: confluence (HRS category) , termination (Higher-order union beta)
- Our paper on foundations of a calculus of graph database
was accepted to a journal
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.
- Here are the
recorded video
of my ICFP'17 talk.
- Our tool SOL
Confluence Competition (CoCo'17)
Termination Competition 2017
developed by SOL Team: Makoto Hamana,
Tatsuya Abe,
Yuito Murase, and
Kazuhiko Sakaguchi.
チュートリアル プログラミング言語研究のための(高階)項書換え系入門
[スライド (slides)]
(Tutorial: Introduction to term rewriting for theories of programming languages)
- I gave a lecture
semantics of higher-order rewriting
International Summer School on Rewriting
(ISR 2015) in August 10-14, at Leipzig, Germany.
Leipzig was a nice city and I enjoyed
Here is material of my lecture:
[A] Slides for lecture 1
[B] Slides for lecture 2
[C] Reference.
- Proceedings of
Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting (HOR'12) is available.